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Welcome to PREMA BIRTHING Healing System

Replace Negative Patterns with Life-Supporting Goals


Each of us is born with a set of circumstances that creates our experiences. As we live, we can accumulate fears, false belief systems and negative ideas. As we become aware of the things that no longer serve us, a Prema Birthing session can help to release them and allow the highest intention for health and happiness to manifest in your life.

The Prema Birthing session can eliminate all kinds of dis-ease from your mind, body, and spirit. This is achieved by directing high vibrational energy into the receptors of the body, which in turn changes the cells of your biology. The energetic support that is created during the healing session, combined with the intention to heal and open to the best version of ourselves, quite literally helps us manifest a new reality.

You may notice habitual patterns, addictions, self-sabotage, phobias, anxiety, and other self-defeating patterns that no longer serve you drop away – making room for new perspectives and a greater sense of peace and happiness.

Prema Birthing can be traced back to the ancient sleep temples of Egypt and the secret teachings of the yogis, who understood the mind was the creator of our reality. The Prema Birthing expands on this philosophy, to include the most important piece of the formula:

Environment + love + consciousness = wellness

Environment + 

Love + 

Consciousness = 

Wellness and Happiness

The Prema Birthing session can eliminate all kinds of dis-ease from your mind, body, and spirit.

"I don't understand what really happened. I just know that when I was born my father was not happy because I was born a boy. I never felt at peace. During the session I felt so loved and appreciated. For the first time in my life I feel so good about who I am.
Thank you so much!"


Torino, Italy

"Prema birthing session with Marcela was not only gentle but calming. It really did feel like a new beginning and the weeks/months that followed were in alignment with this opportunity. All I can say is it is powerful."



"I am so looking forward to seeing you and having another wonderful treatment with you. Prema Birthing was SO profound!"


London, England

"Your Prema Birthing after Ireland workshop was beyond words at Creacon in the golden manifestation bowl of divine love - it was truly a gift - you are amazing XO."


California, US

Hi Marcella,

“Love and thanks for such a beautiful experience.”



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